Wednesday 2 March 2016

Amla Juice Benefits: When Bitter is Better

Indian gooseberry or amla is undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. The essential minerals and vitamins that it contains, are not only integral to our body's well-being, but also indispensable to preventing and managing some of the most common and widespread diseases. Whether eaten raw, juiced, powdered or simply added in an array ofpicklesjamsdips or spreads - including amla in your diet finales into good health by all means.

Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunitymetabolismand prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough. Its nutritional profile also comes studded with a range of polyphenols that are known to fight against the development of cancer cells. According to Ayurveda, amla juice is known to balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas - vata, kapha, pitta.According to Dr. Rupali Datta, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Fortis-Escorts Hospital, "Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which means that it protects you against the harmful effects of free radicals. It helps in slowing down the ageing process and is needed for collagen production hence keeping your skin, hair healthy and supports the immune system." 
One of the most effective ways to add amla to your diet is to juice it and have it diluted with water every day on an empty stomach. It clears your system, aids in digestion, helps in maintaining clear skin, healthy hair and good eyesightAmla juice can be a tad unpalatable, but enjoys multi-fold health benefiting properties that will set your frowned faces right.


The Benefits
- According to a Delhi based weight management expert, Dr. Gargee Sharma, amla juice can be taken as a powerful home remedy to treat cough and flu as well as mouth ulcers. Two teaspoon of amla juice with equal portions of honey consumed everyday can help a great deal in treating cold and cough. Mix a couple of teaspoons in water and gargle with it twice a day to get rid of mouth ulcers.
- Regular consumption of amla juice helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Amino acids and antioxidants aid in the overall functioning of heart.
- It is also helpful in managing diabetes better as well as respiratory ailments like asthma.
- Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath shares that the alkaline nature of amla helps in clearing the system and strengthening the digestive system. It supports liver function and flushes out toxins from the body. Along with Vitamin C, amla is also rich in iron, calcium, phosphorous and hence can be taken as a complete nutritional drink.

"Our hair structure is close to 99% protein. Amino acids and protein present in amla help in hair growth, tackling hair fall and fortifying the root as well as the shaft. Dab it with a cotton swab onto your face to fight marks, pigmentation and blemishes. Amla juice helps in oxidizing melanin and closes skin pores," noted Dr. Gautam.

How to Have it?
It is best to have amla juice first thing in the morning. Have a small portion (20-30 ml) diluted in a glass of water. You can choose to mix a bit of lemon juice and honey to enhance the palatability. Dr. Guatam suggests mixing amla juice with jamun (Indian blackberry) and karela juice (bitter gourd) to manage diabetes better. For those who are fighting high cholesterol levels and hair issues, amla juice in combination with aloe verajuice does wonders. Also, want better eyesight? Amla juice taken right before sleeping helps a great deal; it also helps in detoxifying the ill-effects of junk food.
So, there you go, it is a potent nature's elixir packed to combat most of our everyday health woes. Give it a try, you will be amazed. If you have been having amla juice since some time now, share with us your experiences in the comment box below.

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